Blog Post #6 - Anti-War Voices


There are a few different reasons why anti-war voices are kept out of the mainstream media and silenced in general. The biggest one that comes to mind is that the mainstream media simply doesn’t exist to bring fair, unbiased news anymore. They don’t want to provide facts, diverse opinions, and open-mindedness, because these things are not what is going to make them money. They want the biggest, most exciting story there is. Even if it’s not in the best interest of the general public and society as a whole, if it's going to make them money, these media companies are going to distribute and broadcast it. Unfortunately, war is good for making money. It makes people tune in, whereas an anti-war opinion piece may not.

Upon doing further research on the topic, I discovered that it goes even deeper than that. A lot of the mainstream media companies and corporations have significant financial interests in war. For example, “in the build-up to the Iraq War, MSNBC was owned by General Electric, which makes billions from war,” ( If war is in their best financial interest, promoting or broadcasting anti-war voices would not be in their best interest in terms of pushing their agenda.

While it’s unfortunate that real news and diverse opinions are becoming harder to find, sites like can provide unique takes where the mainstream media does not. 


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