Blog Post #3 - Eight Values of Free Expression

 All eight values of freedom of speech and expression are equally important reasons why freedom of speech must always be protected, especially in our current political and social climate. There are many examples of restrictions of free speech in the news recently, and these eight values provide reason why we, as a society, should be cautious of such restrictions. The one that I found most relevant is the first one, marketplace of ideas. The main idea of this point is that while it may often seem that silencing and restricting false ideas and opinions is the best option, if they are allowed to be stated, truth will ultimately win anyway, and the truth will come out stronger having defeated the opposing viewpoints. In the modern day of “fake news”, this philosophy rings true more than ever. Countless social media pages and news sources are shadow-banned, deactivated, or censored in order to “protect” those who see them and may form ideas and misinformed opinions based upon them. The reason for these restrictions is understandable, yet nonetheless, a restriction of free speech. Former president Donald Trump was even banned from multiple social media sites. However, diversity of opinion and thought is crucial to democracy and our society as a whole. While blatant lies and false claims are an issue, proper fact checking can easily prove them wrong. The silencing of those with opposing viewpoints is the greater evil in that it alienates citizens and prevents us from forming our own opinions. This concept goes along with the third point, stable change. The continued restriction of these ideas is frustrating to people, and in the long run will always lead to violence. For example, the attack on the capital was due likely in large part to the banning of Donald Trump and many of his supporters from major social media platforms. The bans do not by any means justify the actions of those who participated in the attack, but they probably contributed to their frustration and motive.

The ones that feel most important to me are 4 are 7, both which pertain to freedom of expression and how it results in personal fulfillment. Freedom of expression is a crucial aspect of finding oneself and determining one’s purpose in life. Without it, there is essentially no intellectual or creative diversity in society. People would be one and the same, without anything to differentiate them from each other. Allowing people to create and share opinions is what results in new ideas and ultimately societal progress.


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