Blog Post #2 - The Supreme Court


I knew close to nothing about the founding and creation of the Supreme Court before reading this article, and it’s interesting to me that it was founded so early on in our country’s history. It makes sense, in that a higher, unbiased authority was necessary to settle disputes that could’ve gotten out of hand. The Supreme Court has made monumental decisions over the years, and has had a huge impact on society. The most important thing I took away was something that I already had an idea on, but was further emphasized by what I read. The Supreme Court has the ability to not only change policies, but to change public opinion on certain issues. For example, the legalization of same sex marriage in 2015 was a major turning point and the beginning of a good bit of progress made over the following years in terms of public perception and social acceptance of the topic. It’s also important to note that the manner and process of selecting justices for the Supreme Court ensures that it is unbiased as a whole; there are justices on both ends of the political spectrum, so cases aren’t necessarily going to go one way or the other. While the exact processes and number of justices and things of that sort may have changed over the years since the Supreme Court’s creation, its core purpose has remained the same.


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