Blog Post #10 - A.I. and the Future


There are a lot of important facets to think about when considering how A.I. is already an aspect occupying most, if not all, of our daily lives. From RING doorbells to Amazon Alexa and other relatively new innovations, A.I. is becoming more and more common in our homes and workplaces. The most important take-away for me that I had already been previously thinking about in a way is that it’s becoming imperative to consider the pros and cons of implementing these new innovations into one’s life on an individual basis. People must weigh the benefits and negative consequences when it comes to their own safety and the safety of their families. 

Obviously technologies like Alexa and RING come with a lot of positives in terms of security and an overall interconnected home network, but there are also negative consequences to consider. Is it worth completely throwing privacy out the window in order to maintain safety and security? These decisions cannot be made for you, and one must be able to look past the advertising in order to determine if these products are right for them.

One thing I learned from the video that is sort of frightening is that the workforce and available careers are going to change drastically over the course of our lifetimes, specifically in the next decade or two. In the video, it was stated that “50% of jobs will be somewhat or extremely threatened by A.I. in the next 15 years,” meaning that they will either cease to exist or become more arbitrary. This is interesting to think about in that our generation will have opportunities previously unheard of in terms of innovation and creating new career paths based around our ever-changing technological landscape and world as a whole. However, for older generations and those already established within their fields, it could be difficult to adjust to occupations quickly being phased out and becoming unnecessary.


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