About Me

My name is Lucas Roberto and I’m from West Hartford, Connecticut. I’m a Media Production and Entrepreneurship major, but I’m not sure what aspect of media production I want to focus on after school. There are a lot of different things that I'm interested in and passionate about that I do both in and outside of class that could potentially become a career with the right mindset. I take photos, I film and edit videos, and I write and produce music as well. I'm also interested in nature and wildlife conservation, as well as tech and entertainment, and I'd love to learn graphic design or art skills. Given all of these interests and hobbies, it can be difficult to pinpoint one area to focus on. My main passion is music. I could spend a whole day listening to and/or making music with my friends, but the barriers to entry for a career in the music industry are high and I'm not sure that that's what I want to do for the rest of my life, but audio engineering and audio production is where I would consider myself to have the most skill. If I could somehow find a niche way to make money while also having a hand in all aspects of production for projects that I was passionate about, I would be satisfied. Owning a production company has always sounded appealing to me, but it's also an intimidating idea. But having the creative freedom to decide the subject of a project, such as something nature or music related, as well as being able to film and edit it myself, sounds like an ideal career path. 


I don’t know if I have a specific favorite food, it kinda depends on what I feel like eating, but the top two are definitely seafood and pizza. Hard to go wrong with either of those.


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